Wireless Programming

The ability to program the hearing aids without cables makes fitting more convenient, more comfortable, and less time consuming for both you and the patient. The Starkey 2.4 GHz Wireless/TruLink™, Noahlink Wireless 2, Noahlink Wireless, and SurfLink™ Programmer provide a robust communication link between wireless hearing aids with 2.4 GHz or 900 MHz technology and Inspire. The Starkey 2.4 GHz Wireless/TruLink, Noahlink Wireless 2, and Noahlink Wireless Programmers program 2.4 GHz hearing aids only and the SurfLink Programmer programs hearing aids with 900 MHz technology.


Wireless Programming sets up the Starkey 2.4 GHz Wireless/TruLink and/or SurfLink Programmer, assists with reestablishing connection with the hearing aids if the connection is lost during a fitting, helps locate the desired hearing aid by emitting a tone from the device if multiple unassigned hearing aids are detected, provides details regarding the wireless settings conflict dialog box, and aids in ending a wireless fitting session.


Setting Up the Starkey 2.4 GHz Wireless/TruLink Programmer


Setting Up the SurfLink Programmer


Wireless Connection Problems


Wireless Hearing Aid Locator


Wireless Settings Conflict


End Wireless Fitting