
AudioScape (available on select products only)

AudioScape is the manner in which environmental detection is implemented in high end and flagship products. Six AudioScapes are incorporated into the rationale: Quiet, Machine Noise, Wind, Speech in Noise, Noise, and Speech.


AudioScape uses a unique method of sound qualification and quantification to determine how to process each sound.  

All AudioScape features provide a choice of five settings: For Quiet, the 5 settings include: Off (0), Less Expansion (1), Default Expansion (2), More Expansion (3), and Maximum Expansion (4) AudioScape Settings.  For the remaining categories, there is a choice of five settings: Off (0), 5 dB (1), 10 dB (2), 15 dB (3), and 20 dB (4). By default, Inspire sets the AudioScape settings to 2 in the normal memory, which provides a 1 to 10 dB gain adaptation. Increasing the setting to 4 will broaden the range of gain adaptation to 1 to 20 dB. Setting the AudioScape to 1 provides a 1 to 5 dB adaptation in gain. Setting an AudioScape to Off disables the specific feature. Clicking on the name of the feature will display the AudioScape Time Constants. Time Constants default to medium, but can be adjusted to Slower or Faster.

The gain adaptation is level and frequency dependent. The greatest gain adaptation will occur in the channel(s) where the classified input is the loudest. For multi-memory products, the amount of gain adaptation can be set independently in each memory.


Comfort Control

Comfort Control is included on the AudioScape screen and allows for control over the activation level of the AudioScape features Comfort Control. Comfort control defaults to setting 2. It can be adjusted in 5 different steps: 0 = -5 dB S/N, 1 = -2.5 dB S/N, 2 = 0 dB S/N, 3 = + 2.5 dB, and 4 = +5 dB S/N.